Business Valuation Model Excel
The Business Valuation Model Excel combines relative indicators for future performance with basic financial data (Revenue, Variable and Fixed Costs) to value the business. This valuation method can be used for business purchase, sale, or establishment. The model uniquely applies your intuitive business and market knowledge to provide a 3 year performance forecast with sensitivity analysis, investment return, and a business valuation. It is compact, easy to use, and requires minimal inputs. Outputs include a 3 year performance forecast with the ability to apply Sensitivity Analysis and produce Optimistic, Expected and Pessimistic forecasts. A Return on Investment and Business Valuation are provided for each forecast. Outputs are presented in tabular and graphical form. The model is easy to use and interpret.
Quantity: The Number of Licenses you purchase is the maximum Number of Users and the maximum Number of Computer Systems the purchased software can be installed on or that can access the software if on a network.
License Type: Non-Commercial Licenses are for private and internal business use only. They do not cover the commercial use of software for inter-business support, advice, or consulting. Commercial Licenses allow you to use your software for inter-business support, advice, or consulting. This license type is generally suitable for Accountants, Consultants, Valuers, Realtors and other professionals providing a service to their clients. When software is registered with a Commercial License calculation sheets are protected without a password. This allows them to be unprotected to view the underlying formula and undertake minor refinements. All macros remain protected. Software for Commercial use requires a Commercial License.
Software is in Microsoft Excel format and Excel is required for use.
All software is offered with a 30 day money back guarantee.
Quantity: The Number of Licenses you purchase is the maximum Number of Users and the maximum Number of Computer Systems the purchased software can be installed on or that can access the software if on a network.
License Type: Non-Commercial Licenses are for private and internal business use only. They do not cover the commercial use of software for inter-business support, advice, or consulting. Commercial Licenses allow you to use your software for inter-business support, advice, or consulting. This license type is generally suitable for Accountants, Consultants, Valuers, Realtors and other professionals providing a service to their clients. When software is registered with a Commercial License calculation sheets are protected without a password. This allows them to be unprotected to view the underlying formula and undertake minor refinements. All macros remain protected. Software for Commercial use requires a Commercial License.
Software is in Microsoft Excel format and Excel is required for use.
All software is offered with a 30 day money back guarantee.
Very good article. Business valuations must be accurate and objectively performed by an outside professional firm who specializes in such reporting. It is also highly recommended to obtain a business valuation on an annual basis to understand the direction of the business and to have the knowledge and time to change course as needed to increase the future value of the company.
ReplyDeleteNeil Advani